Wondering What’s Next?
We appreciate your interest in UMBC. If you are waitlisted or we were unable to offer you admission, please know that a decision of non-admittance at this time does not end your UMBC future. Students follow different paths in obtaining their college degree and we’re always willing to assist you in any way we can. Below is some additional information that may be helpful as you consider your options:
First-Year Applicants
I was offered a waitlist decision to UMBC; what happens next?
Over the next few months, our Admissions Committee will continue to meet regularly to review waitlist candidates. Applicants are not removed from this list on a first-come, first-served basis, but rather an offer of admissions is based on enrollment spaces particular to the entering class.
We invite you to submit any additional documents you would like the Admissions Committee to consider, such as mid-year grades and recent SAT or ACT scores. Additional letters of recommendation are not necessary. We hope to notify you of our final decision as soon as possible, no later than the end of May.
I was denied admission to UMBC; what are my options?
We would welcome the opportunity to consider your transfer application for admission to UMBC. We ask that you complete at least 24 credits of transferable college-level coursework in traditional academic subjects. Competitive applicants typically present an overall cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher in all college-level coursework.
How can I transfer to UMBC in the future?
You will need to apply as a transfer student at least one year after the time of your initial application. Competitive transfer applicants typically present an overall cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher in all college-level coursework with at least 24 credits of transferable college-level coursework in traditional academic subjects. While UMBC does not require specific courses to transfer, there are tasks you can complete and resources to tap prior to transferring which can shorten your path to graduation and save you money. Start planning now.
Transfer Applicants
I was denied admission to UMBC; what are my options?
We would welcome the opportunity to reconsider your application for admission to UMBC. To have your application reconsidered, you will need to complete additional transferable college coursework and improve your academic record.
If you wish to have your application reviewed again, please send us a letter stating this interest by September 1 (for spring admission) or February 1 (for fall admission), and indicate which college you plan to attend in the interim. We will update your current application; therefore, no additional application fee will be required. We can extend this courtesy once during the application process before another transfer application will need to be provided.