Forum arch sculpture outside of UMBC's Performing Arts and Humanities Building

The Scholars Programs for Transfer Students at UMBC

Push yourself further through our innovative academic mentorship programs.

Discover our Scholars Programs

We’ve built a unique set of programs with scholarships where you’ll find a supportive community that is focused on giving you a launchpad for your academic, career, and life goals.

U-RISE Scholars

An undergraduate research training scholarship program for juniors and seniors, with the goal of increasing the number of students from underrepresented groups who pursue Ph.D. degrees and research careers in the biomedical sciences.

Sherman Teacher Scholars

Prepares students who have a desire to teach in high-needs and urban schools to become culturally responsive and compassionate educators who believe all children deserve a high quality education.

Cyber Scholars

For students who are ready to take on the cybersecurity challenges of today and tomorrow.

Transfer Scholars in IT and Engineering (T-SITE)

For incoming transfer students seeking faculty and peer mentorship to help build leadership skills, secure industry internships, and explore career options.

Charlotte W. Newcombe Scholars

For undergraduates over the age of 25 seeking their first undergraduate degree.

Earn A Scholarship

UMBC's beautiful campus, featuring the AOK Library and reflective pond. Students are sitting outside at tables.

Scholarship Retriever

Support for Prestigious Scholarships

We support students in their pursuit of internationally renowned scholarships that help them grow into leaders whose research and careers will have a far-reaching impact on the world.

A few of the scholarships our students earn include:

  • Rhodes Scholarship
  • Gates-Cambridge Scholarship
  • Marshall Scholarship
  • Barry Goldwater Scholarship
  • Harry S. Truman Scholarship
  • Fulbright Program